Friday, 30 November 2012

a collection of curiosities?

not finished
to be continued
in the production line
if i am not too lazy
i should be doing my essay
Things to explore further
I need film stills.
Parades End: Pagan Tree
Kingdom of Heaven: Sibylla 

Atmosphere and narrative 

Layering image on top of image 
image on top of already printed image 

there is a description about this tree that I crave. I have bought the book.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

I also want to look at Judith

Someone whom I have looked at too many times
Never really seen.

Someone I have only ever considered from the point of superficial beauty and freedom of pattern
And here lies Judith,
One of the greats.
Seductively holding the decapitated head of a man?

Darkness prevails


Diamonds in the dark
Create your own world
I don't feel very 'fun' right now
why are we obsessed with fire?

Embroidery of interest

a quick flick of images from the latest issue of i-D
I should be doing my essay

 Old i-D.
 there is something about scanning in the broken image

Monday, 26 November 2012

To build up a collection of fascination

Salome and the dance of the seven veils.
Salome seems to have her fingers delved deep into everything
Salome's scent seems to linger 
 Franz von Stuck Dancing Salome 
what is this obsession with depicting Salome?
not that it isn't an obsession I am truely obsessed with.
I am obsessed.
I am unsure if is the story or the depictions themselves that have me caught.
There is something fabulously seductive with the riches of her dress

Gustave Moreau The Apparition
mixed with the darkness of the unfolding story.
"suit of jeweled armor for his Salome"
Gustav Klimt, Eva di Stafano

Neck frames and braces


I am currently not communicating
what I want to communicate
not communicating what I want to be.

maybe not what I want to be
but not communicating what I see.

I like what I see and I see what I like

but take out the eye and nobody sees.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

broken riddles and

different materials peculiar materials to attach to materials

nuts and screws and bolts and shark teeth

jam jars and baubles

noise could be important 
it is a battle of the senses
we have 5, or so we are led to believe

Friday, 23 November 2012

Christopher Kane, use of tape.

the subtle

and the not so much

a way to collage                tape.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

In the title.

I realize I refer back to this man far more than I should considering I don't exactly agree with mort of his ethics.
But I have just realized upon another point of notice.

One thing I deem incredibly important to my practice, is the scribbling of little nothings.
I have to write as I work, almost creating a short narrative in the corners of most drawings.
when it comes to creating a textile piece I am not fond of the use of text
it seems a shame to waste those initial thoughts.

"the air is filled with millions of thoughts"

When I went to see the Damien Hirst Exhibition at the Tate Modern this summer,
I was strangely taken with his spin paintings on show there.
Not exactly because of the image of these paintings 
with the titles that accompanied them.

Beautiful, demented, ubiquitous, insane, frightening, spikey, Boss, snowy, generous, Arki's 40th Love Painting (with blood on the snow), 2002

It  feels like a chain of thought being pulled straight from his mind.It doesn't impose too much of his view on the painting either.As I don't believe this painting was created with the intention of having this title.I feel as though it purely reveals something more interesting than the painting it self, it reveals a chain from the artists mind, a train he felt during reflection, or upon creation.An insight to something darker without enforcing his views upon you.   

This is something I may consider for my own practice. Using scribbled thoughts as acompaniments or titles, not leaving them for the confined corners of sketchbooks.


Saturday, 17 November 2012

Is to attach individual beads separately too tedious? TOo messy?
Is invisible thread too plasticy?

How to create a lattice pattern?
How to create a fringing effect?


Next//Current Point of Notice > To explore a background pattern of not avoiding the motif.
                                                 > And I shall put the lines closer together, on the 4 instead of the 5.
 Time to go even.
                                                > There are too many considerations to be taken into account
I like beading. It seems mathematical. 


Diamonds are Dead. Beading is getting Bore. I need something more exciting. 
Trials and testers.
I fear I prefer the sample before the background was applied.

But that defies the point of excess.

Both of the above are indeed samples, not intended as an act of appeal.
Their pure purpose was to test the different materials and application.

Although not shown well here, the sequins have a great sense of allure. The translucent nature of them and how the light bounces of there surface creates a great sense of enticement.

(allure is a fabulous word)

So therefore is the background beneficial?

Although on a separate issue this background does not even imply excess.
but is that from the composition or from the combination?
[[combination of colour and materials]
Where is the excitement?

netting doesn't photograph very well.

Friday, 16 November 2012

I have done all of these testers of straight lines.
Purely for the intention of experimenting with the embellished background,
But they appear to have grown some form of appeal.

Perhaps more so alone than when applied to a background.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012


We need something more than pure beading. 
Where is the gluttony in a single pear drop?
It is modest and simple, a hint of the visable.
Too much space for the imagination.

I need to venture into the excessive.

points to explore:
the court of Versailles
excessive embroidery
 Scan in items

pear drops work best with the bugles//rectangular beads

you need to do a test of the excessive


Beauty and Magpies.
Addiction and Gluttony.
A battle of the visible.

To idealize beauty to the point of exception.
 To not question anything further than somethings visible appearance.
To bask in the pleasure of somethings image rather than tarnish it with ill-mannered thought.

This is not something I necessarily agree with but something to be explored.

There is something delightfully//dreadfully ignorant about this ideal.

A collection of beautiful things


magpie |ˈmagˌpī|
1 a long-tailed crow with boldly marked (or green) plumage and a raucous voice.

2 used in similes or comparisons to refer to a person who collects things, esp. things of little use or value
Treasure Seekers//Fragment Keepers