I realize I refer back to this man far more than I should considering I don't exactly agree with mort of his ethics.
But I have just realized upon another point of notice.
One thing I deem incredibly important to my practice, is the scribbling of little nothings.
I have to write as I work, almost creating a short narrative in the corners of most drawings.
when it comes to creating a textile piece I am not fond of the use of text
it seems a shame to waste those initial thoughts.
"the air is filled with millions of thoughts"
When I went to see the Damien Hirst Exhibition at the Tate Modern this summer,
I was strangely taken with his spin paintings on show there.
Not exactly because of the image of these paintings
with the titles that accompanied them.
Beautiful, demented, ubiquitous, insane, frightening, spikey, Boss,
snowy, generous, Arki's 40th Love Painting (with blood on the snow),
It feels like a chain of thought being pulled straight from his mind.It doesn't impose too much of his view on the painting either.As I don't believe this painting was created with the intention of having this title.I feel as though it purely reveals something more interesting than the painting it self, it reveals a chain from the artists mind, a train he felt during reflection, or upon creation.An insight to something darker without enforcing his views upon you.
This is something I may consider for my own practice. Using scribbled thoughts as acompaniments or titles, not leaving them for the confined corners of sketchbooks.