Monday 21 January 2013

The Femme Fatale
A seductress at her best.

What is it that I need to depict?

The obsession of adornment.
Danger masked by beauty.
The allure 
a touch of skin

battle armo
prepare for battle

long expanses of fabric
the dance of the seven veils   

What is it that I need to depict?
Battle armor masked by beauty.
a foolish scent
Battle armor deceived.

armor |ˈärmər|(Brit. armour )
the metal coverings formerly worn by soldiers or warriors to protect the body in battle: knights in armor | a suit of armor.
• (also armor plate )the tough metal layer covering a military vehicle or ship to defend it from attack.
• military vehicles collectively: the contingent includes infantry, armor, and logistic units.
• the protective layer or shell of some animals and plants.
• a person's emotional, social, or other defenses: his armor of self-confidence.
verb [ with obj. ]
provide (someone) with emotional, social, or other defenses: the knowledge armored him against her.

I intend to use strong materials, masked, an armor contained, trickery, a Trojan horse.

weight is important too, so is sound

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