Tuesday 26 November 2013

what i indulge in the idea of jewellery is most collections come with a story.

Thursday 14 November 2013

a space to dream

an interesting a point that was brought up to me resonantly, was if i am creating charms with the point of them being offerings, where is the shrine?

which led me to think about the environments I want them to be presented it! Which is an incredibly important point. As I think the environments are as important as the pieces.
So I want to create dreamscapes. A place to dream.

Artist of interest.

Friday 8 November 2013

I think the issue is here, you need to begin to design before the make, create some more symbolic designs to work from rather than a build which can sometimes loose its intention, becoming something made for its aesthetic rather than its meaning. Loosing both honesty for me and excitement. The elements that excite me in theory are not coming through in the work.

Also. You must remember to consider context, if it is for jewellery you desire, then consider the body rather than it just being a charm. As charms are not want you want it to result in. I want the context of the jewellery to be demonstrated in a shrine but to be worn in result.

Thursday 7 November 2013

To write a manifesto
What is important

Sound is important
A subtle tinkle
Embellishment is important
It must dazzle

What do I associate with the spirit?
There must be charms for different purposes.
Give it a purpose
What purposes do you desire?

I think each and every one should have a mention to the sunshine
The moon is important to!
Who can I make to be evil? Does there need to be evil

Darkness? Not a devil. But an area of no light!

Lets look into the stars and the moon and the solar system
Lets look into astrology.

Lets start simple. Basic elements. Earth. Air. Fire and Water
The lotus is a symbol of all 4.
The plant begins in the earth, it grows through water, its leaves are nourished by the air and the flower blooms to the fire of the sun.

So as a starting point would the current ultimate charm be a collision of the sunshine, a lotus and a shadow of darkness. There must be a balance.

a startign point of a manifesto.
Sound is important.
Purpose is important.
Sparkle is important.
Movement is important.
The spirit is crucial.
Don't loose sight.
To build.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

getting around metal

i have been doing a lot of research into jewelers and jewellery design.
and one thing. i have been finding of difficulty is alot of work i find interesting is metal work. the above picture is not of something i find of particular interest. but. of something i think could be easilly done in alternative materials. a strong decorated card could make as good of effect.
and this is something i need to explore.

instead of spending time wishing on metal. i should be spending time dreaming up alternatives. something that could potentially spark far more intrigue.