Thursday 7 November 2013

To write a manifesto
What is important

Sound is important
A subtle tinkle
Embellishment is important
It must dazzle

What do I associate with the spirit?
There must be charms for different purposes.
Give it a purpose
What purposes do you desire?

I think each and every one should have a mention to the sunshine
The moon is important to!
Who can I make to be evil? Does there need to be evil

Darkness? Not a devil. But an area of no light!

Lets look into the stars and the moon and the solar system
Lets look into astrology.

Lets start simple. Basic elements. Earth. Air. Fire and Water
The lotus is a symbol of all 4.
The plant begins in the earth, it grows through water, its leaves are nourished by the air and the flower blooms to the fire of the sun.

So as a starting point would the current ultimate charm be a collision of the sunshine, a lotus and a shadow of darkness. There must be a balance.

a startign point of a manifesto.
Sound is important.
Purpose is important.
Sparkle is important.
Movement is important.
The spirit is crucial.
Don't loose sight.
To build.

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