Saturday, 28 April 2012

Give [[Ground]] to Green

I apparently always seem to be drawn back to life, life, plants and growth, nature and all its incredible wonders,,
This project seems to have taken a shape change,,

In moving to Manchester, it has been my first time to live in such a built up city. I am not a country-bumpkin, I am from a city, a city such as Cardiff, but from the suburbs, where both the city and countryside is accessible, easily, where growth and greenery are a few steps beyond my front door.

Living in the city center of Manchester is different, I have no garden to wonder out to, to grow a plant has to be done on my windowsill, under certain conditions, options are limited.

And it is that, that I want to explore, looking at what space there is to grow a garden in an urban built up environment, is there room for contemporary landscape architecture in a concrete jungle?

And what happens when nature tries to take back the city?
Feature Jeff Noon's book "pollen".

A couple of sights//sites of interest

Moving life to the skies, growing above its natural environment, using space in a different way.

Here, above,
Is my own attempt although not in fact hung up as off yet,,
more to follloww,,,

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