Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Points of Notice

spaces in the sky
lift it up, raise it up,

trails and breadcrumbs
Eindhoven Design Week shop windows route

I am intrigued by the idea of how you encourage people around the city. One way that was illustrated to us in the lecture upon design festivals was something that takes place in the Eindhoven Design Festival. Where around 90 shops in the main shopping area allow designers and artists to use their windows to showcase their work. Along with this a sign is put up in the window with the design festivals logo and a number, with the idea that there is a trail to follow to see them all, leading you on an adventure around the city. For each window exhibit there is also a chair placed across the road, facing the shop, encouraging the viewer to sit and observe each display, to take time to enjoy it rather than hurry on to the next. Creating an intriguing balance between art, commercialism and design.
Here is a link to the accompanying booklet (in Dutch)

From this I have begun to think about alternative ways to entice people around our city.
A trail of breadcrumbs, either leading you to a certain event or leading you on a wild goose chase of events around Manchester.

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