Thursday 11 April 2013

As a group, the three key themes that kept arising were:
Waste Time
With these ideas in mind we have split into three sub groups,

From this I have chosen to work within the Space group. We met up today to discuss further our ideas towards space and how this interacts within a design festival.
Key Spacial Themes
  • Artificial space, transitional spaces///familiar spaces,            trickery?
  • Abandoned buildings, derelict buildings, nature reclaiming?
  • Outside spaces, the river medlock? demolished spaces and alleyways, nooks and crannys of the city,
  • Elevated spaces, a roof top city?
But it is what we do, how we work with these spaces to create something exciting? To begin I am intrigued to explore pathways of the city and a rooftop village?

Yesterday I decided to take a walk around the city, take a slight different road to usual and make a conscious decision to look up. My initial plan was to go and find the River Medlock and observe where it intertwines with the city
I need to get better at taking photographs, I wish I had photographic eyes

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