Wednesday 16 October 2013


Fabulous shops selling ointments, rosaries, statutes, medicinal herbs, holy water, charms, thousands of year old recipes for, incents and candles. Like a gigantic shrine to spirituality. Look into Tarot Cards.

There is an element of magic that I am most intrigued by. Starting to research into other types of shrines and religions when I stumbled across folk religion. Maybe something I should probably have come to the conclusion of sooner.

The sun, the creator. The moon. The lotus flower, an emblem of beauty no matter what are the odds, an emblem of female sexuality. The flying fish, a space to dream. Garlic, to warn of evil. Goldfish for goodluck. Needs to be furthered.

To create a Rosary out of peas.. a seed of the earth. Peas disguised. Or maybe not disguised peas explored.

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