Friday 18 May 2012

Reflections so far

I want to reflect on how the project has gone so far, discussing the highs and lows and outlining space for improvement. As a whole I have enjoyed this project and am indeed happy in the direction it appears to be going in for exhibition. I wish I had been able to settle on a direction to take this project in a little sooner than I did but once the decision was made I have been happy with its progress. Therefore something I am keen to work on is my time management, being stricter with myself, spending less time thinking and more time doing.
I also fear that I perhaps spent a little too much time on this idea of editing. Spending too long deciding on appropriate rules and regulations. But now this stage of my project is complete, it has worked out far better than I was expecting, having built a dialogue of its own, away from the original story. A dialogue I am keen to interpret into my final piece, as explained below.
Still along this theme of time, I would have been greatly intrigued to play around with growing my own weeds and moss, if I had allowed more time. This is something I intend to pursue in the future.
As for my final outcome, that is yet to take its own path, in the next few days I intend to play with the preservation of my dandelions, experimenting with what forms of liquid will preserve and hold its shape, without destroying the beauty of their form.

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