Thursday 17 May 2012

To Preserve

The idea I want to play with for exhibition 
is this idea of preserving the dandelion,
but how to preserve and present is the question in hand?
Do I want them free standing or preserved in something?

But besides the point 
there is also something magical in the collected seed, 
 their lightness of touch, allows an image of levitation, 
it could be the influx, the influx of plantation

(not a very good image, difficult to photograph)

Whatever decision is made, a key point must remain in the image of the preserved,
That is what we are currently striving for,,

Conclusive:: An Idea,,
An idea for the combination,
 I want these seeds heads to be preserved, a seed bomb, being contained,
almost in such a manor as the pickled and preserved images below,
but as for the labels, the labels of little mutterings of a pollen edit,,

How to preserve, is there some kind of liquid i could use to submerge them in without destroying their form?

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